
Precipitation of ochre from a metalliferous mine water outflow at Wheal Augusta in Devon. (c) Braunardt

Challenging Habitat provides bespoke environmental science and communication services with the aim to cultivate curiosity, learning and sustainability action.

curiosity is the essence of human existence

Gene Cernan

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My Bare Feet on the Earth

Another Earth Day – another opportunity to reflect on my footprint. No better way to start this day than walk the earth without shoes, feel soil and stones, let the cold dew wet the skin between my toes, sense the odd nettle sting and slug adhere momentarily … My feet are used to shoes, especially…

Reuse, Recycle and Up-cycle: Bosun’s Work

While working on tall ships as scientist, I am always intrigued by the roles of professional crew on board. Here is what I’ve learned about bosuns … A boatswain (or bosun) on a ship is in charge of the deck department and responsible for all aspects of upkeep and maintenance above deck and the ship’s…

Conscious Flight Booking?!?!

Sometimes my job involves flying to distant places and for my recent trip to Panama for the sail training charity Seas Your Future, I sought to find out about the fuel consumption and carbon footprint for different routes. I found interesting results worthy of consideration. There are no direct flights from UK to Panama and…